Mechanical Systems slippage?

    Posted by dutchman on 7th of Jul 2010 at 05:57 pm

    Has anyone experienced a lot of slippage trading the Mechanical systems?  When I backtested the FAS and FAZ systems and alloted for slippage, the results decreased dramatically.  I noticed that slippage isn't alloted in the BPT backtests.  Just curious why not?  I am not trying to diminish the value of these systems by any means, I am simply trying to see if I'm erroring in my calculations.

    AIG has the biggest problem

    Posted by rank10 on 7th of Jul 2010 at 06:22 pm

    AIG has the biggest problem in slippage that I have found.  That is because the spreads can be up to 4-5 cents between the bid and the ask

    as for FAZ and FAS I have found there really hasn't been much of an issue.....maybe 1 - 2 cents


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