Dr O, i am in thank


    Posted by zarathustra1 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 03:48 pm

    Dr O,

    i am in thank you.     

               GSPG       is a penny stock that I would like to bring it to yours and everyone else attention. a friend told me about it i bought this stock when it was at 0.004 in november 07. it went up as far as 0.024 by march 08 and then down to 0.016 unfortunatly I got scared and sold my positions at 0.018. then recently it went up to 0.0365. I would have retiried from stock market bussiness by now if i had stayed in. lol thats life.

    I didnt say anything about it on the blog because I never believed thought it will fly. sorry. 

    According to my friend this baby is supposed to go up to 10 cents in the next few months. i would love to get inputs from you season traders.


    Posted by drorlando on 1st of Jul 2008 at 05:04 pm

    Zara:  I am not one much into penny stocks, but chart looks good on daily and it is in the right sector.  July through Fall is historically a good time for Gold Stocks.

    SRS:  Now rp you know why I said I am holding, just too good a short to let go!  Hit my target of 110 today though, but I am wau ahead buying it in the low 80's.  Hope Carolina is doing great, the girls loved her and Yang!


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