
    Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 08:46 am

    West coaster here. I hate this - waking up at 5AM and seeing the futures have tanked. When I went to bed they were up 32 on the DOW. This is perfectly fine news for me and my insessant short positions but just curios if something "CAUSED" this or is it just sentiment being real?


    Posted by dodgerdog on 1st of Jul 2008 at 08:57 am

    Hello rvk - pretty much the same song - the daily technicals are still pointing lower but deeply oversold.  Yesterday, the attempted bounce was negated by poor internals (negative advance/decline ratio).

    This morning there is once again talk of saber rattling between Israel and Iran which also puts some fear in traders and Europe was very weak putting downward pressure on the futures.


    Posted by rvk1958 on 1st of Jul 2008 at 09:12 am

    Thanks Dodger. Ususally this happens on days when there is some sort of economic news so I was somewhat surprised. I'll just stay short and watch it play out.


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