At the crossroads?

    Posted by Palladin on 5th of Apr 2010 at 11:18 am

    CNBC is now constantly spouting  a sickening, arm waving rhetoric as to how strong the economy is getting and buy on dips and S&P to 1500 and yada yada . .

    Are we reaching the peak of optimism and dangerous exhubarance (as per Prechter, McHugh and others) or are these irritating talking heads right.

    Just when I'm about to throw in the towel and go bullish, the trillions of US debt, the "real" unemployment levels etc.come to mind and kind of keep me going countertrend. Migh be my downfall.

    You can add this weeks

    Posted by george_l on 5th of Apr 2010 at 12:37 pm

    You can add this weeks comments from Hussmanas another analyst who is concerned and relies on historical extremes to guide him. The market has become a casino which ignores all bad news even though the economy is overwhelmed with it. It continues to not matter. Its the only game in town with unlimited support for another bubble from the Federal Reserve.

    This entire rally has been produced with borrowed money in the many Trillions, a total lack of the rule of law, ongoing accounting fraud or without any fear or penalties for the corruption being perpetrated. Some day this will all matter. The question will be exactly what the Federal Reserve can still do once this latest bubble it's creating breaks. Interest rates and taxes have no place to go but up. If that too is ignored, you know we have entered the twilight zone.

    I agree and in the

    Posted by honzer on 5th of Apr 2010 at 12:15 pm

    I agree and in the same camp.As soon as i go bullish and long the markets will fall.

    Well then, sacrifice yourself for

    Posted by Palladin on 5th of Apr 2010 at 12:19 pm

    Well then, sacrifice yourself for the rest of us bears and go long Laughing


    Posted by zach06 on 5th of Apr 2010 at 11:23 am

    Sure... Listen to Prechter.... and go BROKE!


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