market trend


    Posted by sam123 on 17th of Mar 2010 at 12:41 pm

    I have been reading comments for the last 1 month and everybody talks about market turning any day and it kept on going up.  The top will be rounded one like jan. and everyday it is making new highs.  i lost shorting amzn.  I bought and lost on vxx.  Until you get a definite sell signal it is very dangerous to go against trend.  There are many stocks with high short interest.  The market might  make all shorts to cover before it turns around.  It might go upto 1180 as the reverse head and shoulders have shown before any meaningful correction.

    Essentially, readers are getting short

    Posted by 55555 on 17th of Mar 2010 at 05:13 pm

    Essentially, readers are getting short because this is what they interpret from the newsletter IMO. But are they are misinterpreting?


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