TLT get ready to buy

    Posted by ditch on 24th of Feb 2010 at 11:52 am

    In looking at a short term chart of the TLT it is very interesting that it took off yesterday and continues to rally at the same angle today. Yesterday, was a -100 Dow day, so yep, that's when people buy bonds, today has been a +100 Dow day, that's when they should be selling????????

    Somethings smells fishy here. Now, notice that there were volume spikes yesterdayat 10 AM and again at 12:50 and going into the close. Today we got one at 10 AM again, now we are coming into the time slots for the post lunch time spike. Just a heads up but if I see another one start in the next 45 minutes, I'm buying in.



    I think Ben was talking

    Posted by riskmanagerjeff on 24th of Feb 2010 at 12:05 pm

    I think Ben was talking the rates down which is causing some swings in the market/bonds today.  But I did get stopped out of TBT, though, I still trade it with a long bias.  (I go long and cash, but not short)


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