Well first off, p is

    SPY EOD 02232010

    Posted by Peridot on 23rd of Feb 2010 at 06:04 pm

    Well first off, p is a she.  LOL.  Okay, Junkie nailed it.  The 60 minute chart reflects the shorter term just as Matt and Steve's charts do.  A daily is a longer term projection.  GET also provides weekly and monthly counts but normally I wouldn't throw those up here on the blog.  For everyone that's a new member or is a little confused about what GET is:  ETrade provides a platform for a subscriber fee that automatically counts "Elliott Waves".  The counts are subject to change (again just like sometimes do on the charts that Matt and Steve prepare) because price as it unfolds may alter the count.  Elliott Wave is based on a set of principles that reflect the waves (patterns) naturally unfolding.  It is not a crystal ball but once a pattern emerges and the count is presenting itself to be strong and true, then the alternate count becomes less important in consideration as a possibility.  Many times you will see the bull and bear pictures both presented here a Breakpoint.  The yen and yang is also presented by GET and it will alter these counts as price dictates the stronger "pattern".  Hope that helps.  To learn more about Elliott Waves, Google that term up or go visit Elliott Wave International.  All the best, p.


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