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Posted by stoliboli on 17th of Mar 2009 at 12:19 pm

Matt, what is your stop price on JPM?  Just curious what you consider a tight stop.  $24.50?  Jeff

Thanks for the clarification (I know this was in the updates).  What confused me was VIX up and market flat or only slightly down.  I did note though that your custom 60 period slow STO on the 15 minute SPX chart has been showing overbought all day.

Does this provide a signal


Posted by stoliboli on 12th of Sep 2008 at 02:16 pm

Does this provide a signal which way the market is headed in the ST?

Steve, Thanks.  Trying to learn these

Posted by stoliboli on 11th of Sep 2008 at 02:39 pm


Thanks.  Trying to learn these counts.  IF "C" completes today or in the next hour or two, then Wave 3 DOWN could start immediately??  (thanks in advance for reply)



Matt, So this would be the

Posted by stoliboli on 11th of Sep 2008 at 02:31 pm


So this would be the place to begin to scale back into a short prior to Wave 3 down??

S & P

Posted by stoliboli on 11th of Sep 2008 at 02:19 pm


Is this the Wave 2 "lift" that Steve referred to last night, and will it have a 5 wave count before the start of Wave "3" down? 

Matt or Steve,

Would one of you comment on the action in $NDX and QLD please?  Healthy retracement?  Chop? Is QLD breaking out of the downchannel or potential bear flagging?  Where would you put a stop on QLD?  I kept it pretty wide this AM and used 1800 NDX as the mental stop.  I heard Matt's comments on QID and poss rev H & S setup and was curious your current thought since QLD "triggered".  Thanks.  Jeff

charting software

Posted by stoliboli on 12th of Jul 2008 at 03:21 pm

matt or steve,

just wrote you guys a long note and lost it in the refresh button!!!!  Ugh!!!!!

Anyway can you guys recommend the best charting software... would you recommend stockcharts vs. telecharts for use with this website?  I really blew an spx failure to break out of the channel on the upside a few days ago and it cost me $$$.  Can you recommend a technical analysis book as well?  Thanks, and thanks for SO!!!

Also, what is the best sign up value here?  thanks, Jeff


Posted by stoliboli on 9th of Jul 2008 at 08:53 pm

Matt, I am a newbie from the WSW.  Thanks for having us.  SO is cruising.  IF/ WHEN it hits the target do we sell/ hold/ wait for further guidance from you and dodger dog?  OK, sounds pretty dumb, but hey... I am from WSW and just learning to trade respectably.  GREAT June thanks to Mike S.  Thanks, Jeff


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