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Hi Mamaduck, The fact that silver

Silver Strong

Posted by lastchance on 8th of Feb 2011 at 06:40 pm

Hi Mamaduck,

The fact that silver closed around it's highs would have to give your disclaimer less credence, don't you think?


That video is dated June 2008.

The technology was probably bought up by the oil companies and hidden away.


I understand that saturn6's chart is implying the possibility of gdx falling - as we are potentially at the peak of the right shoulder.

I understand that your first chart is implying that the gold:silver price could potentially start to rise from here - which I suppose implies that the price of gold could start increasing relative to silver.

However your 2nd and 3rd charts are potentially implying that the gdxj:gdx could start to fall from here - does this mean that the gold price would increase or decrease?

Your comment about the 'opposite possibility' and your first chart probably means that your 2nd and 3rd charts are also implying that the gold price could increase but I just wanted to confirm.




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