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Posted by jd111 on 28th of Sep 2010 at 11:43 am

Major resistance at 1.35 from back in June

RNN trade idea

Posted by jd111 on 4th of Mar 2010 at 01:43 pm

forgot the link

Investor Intelligence Datea

Posted by jd111 on 24th of Feb 2010 at 05:32 pm

Website will all kinds of

Investor Intelligence Datea

Posted by jd111 on 24th of Feb 2010 at 05:31 pm

Website will all kinds of sentiment data including Investor Intelligence

MNTA has major resistance on

mnta exploding..up 1.21

Posted by jd111 on 22nd of Jan 2010 at 11:18 am

MNTA has major resistance on the weekly chart 16-16.25


Posted by jd111 on 16th of Dec 2009 at 09:09 am

Noticed yesterday morning couldn't trade CMIN.  The buttons were all grayed out (still are). Any idea what the issue may be?

One other observation.  The trendline

SPX Channel

Posted by jd111 on 3rd of Dec 2009 at 11:50 pm

One other observation.  The trendline right riding almost perfectly right on top of the 5' EMA.

Never mind, i just noticed the posts below.

Anyone have an idea why

Posted by jd111 on 20th of Nov 2009 at 10:00 am

Anyone have an idea why the bull ETF's EDC, BGU, TNA AND ERX would be down 12%-15% while their bear counterparts EDZ, BGZ, TZA and ERY would remail flat?

Largest percentage gain in the

Posted by jd111 on 30th of Oct 2009 at 04:44 pm

Largest percentage gain in the VIX since 10/22/2008: 24% vs. 31%

Looks like we can still


Posted by jd111 on 19th of Oct 2009 at 11:21 am

Looks like we can still get it on this pullback.

Possible H&S on IBM Weekly

Posted by jd111 on 1st of Oct 2009 at 11:46 am

Today we experienced a major reversal day in the market.

Posted by jd111 on 1st of Sep 2009 at 12:30 am

With the new calendar method of going back to archived newsletters, I got curious and checked out Oct 11 2007.  This was the day of the high for the last bull market.  The first line of the newsletter is: " Today we experienced a major reversal day in the market."   l'd say that was a pretty good call to say the least.

Check out some of the other newsletters late Oct and Nov.  Very interesting to watch events unfold as Matt/Steve prepared everyone for the coming Bear Market.  Pretty Cool!     

SSO 5' Mech Sys

Posted by jd111 on 5th of Aug 2009 at 10:53 am

I have the Mech Systems automated in Tradestation.  SSO triggered a short a little while ago...and of course it rejected it.  So I have to go long SDS manually.  Question: in Tradestation is it possible in easylanguage to get a trigger on one stock and then buy/short another?

Housing bubble

Cash for Clunkers

Posted by jd111 on 31st of Jul 2009 at 12:54 pm

Sounds familiar.  The fed lowers interest rates to the point that people that planned to wait to buy a house in 2-3 years when they could afford, decided they couldn't afford to wait.  With all those housing sales pulled forward, by the time the housing crisis started everyone who wanted a house had already bought one (not to mention the ones that did buy found out the hard way that they really couldn't afford it).

Title: 15' gap rule Would you


Posted by jd111 on 30th of Jul 2009 at 12:33 pm
Title: 15' gap rule


pir head fake

Posted by jd111 on 29th of Jul 2009 at 11:54 am

Yea, I got a question about that (Matt/Steve).  Where's an objective spot to take half off?   JAZZ: I got in at 4.5.  After that 1st run up to 5.7 I took half off.  I didn't use any indicator.  It just looked like a good place to take some profits.  Well, we know what happened next.  PIR: I got in at 2.51.  I told myself I would wait for an indicator to tell me to take half off.  By time the 5' 14-3 and 60-3 Stoch and MACD rolled over PIR was back down to 2.55.  So, any recommendation how to make an objective call on these breakout stocks?  (I see PIR may be back on its way up). 



Posted by jd111 on 2nd of Jul 2009 at 11:09 am

Matt, question.  If you were looking to buy ERY, would you have bought it yesterday if it was the setup you were looking for (sitting on 20EMA, Stoch, etc).  Or would you wait for the breakout.  It's a decision I struggle with all the time.


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