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Market Information

Posted by Marco2u on 10th of Aug 2009 at 10:52 pm
Title: Market Information

Ramblings from a trader..

Posted by Marco2u on 9th of Aug 2009 at 08:34 pm
Title: Ramblings from a trader..

New guy introduction..

Posted by Marco2u on 16th of Jul 2009 at 12:42 pm

Hi Folks a new guy here,

Just thought I would introduce my self I have been trading equities and futures for about 25+ years, my trading style is I start off all my trades as day trades, allow them to convince me to keep them overnight by that I mean if they behave as I think they should on the 5’, 15’, 60’ and daily charts.

If they build into a swing position focus more on the 15’ and up charts also check for when earnings are to be announced (As a general rule I don’t hold over earnings.. If I am feeling confident about a particular position I’ll use options. The longer I hold the position I’ll take a peak at the PEG, PE and forward PE.

More about building positions generally I do not plunge into positions nibble into them typically start with 200 shares hopefully the issue moves in my direction to a chart point or fib extension I’ll take 100 off hold the other for the pull back/up if it behaves on the pull back/up to a chart point or Fib retracement I’ll add back double what I sold thus in the example now I hold 300 shares in a strong market I may add back 3x or 4x..

Obviously there are no absolutes in this game but generally that’s how I do my equity trading.

 Enough for now back to the grind..



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