Good morning everyone, I'm checking in here before I head out for the day, waiting on my family to get ready so figured I'd check in
anyway yesterday as you know, the Hi Mid Lo system triggered a short on ES yesterday at 4151.75, ES is now trading at 4119 and is already looking to exit, the trade is up about 32 ES points
realize that this hi mid lo system is very aggressive about exits, it is pure reversion to mean, closes on a close back below the 5 SMA, it does not try to hold trades for a trending bigger move. Do NOT take the system exiting as a sell signal for the market. It got it's trade, the reversion to mean took place, it books em Danno
yesterday the ES breakout exited fully for VERY nice gains, and we still have the ES bear long open, which is up over 320 ES points
If you area new subscriber here, why are you not taking these trades?