When I rebooted my Tradestation the ES shorts workspace shows a 1st entry short on one of the Hi Mid Lo systems, see images. I have 2 versions of this system, this one has the much lower profit factor over the other one that didn't trigger i.e. a 7 PF vs a 70 PF. The one that triggered does a lot more trades but overall has a decent profit curve.
Futures are up slightly with ES up about 9 points. We have big news on Wednesday of course with the FOMC, the market is either gonna pop hard or drop.
I will go ahead and issue this as a trade for the website but only as 1/2 position size, meaning 1 MES contract only instead of the normal 2 contracts. It's late late in after hrs to trade normal ETF's (though If you have an IB account they now allow ETF's like SPY to be trading now and all night long. I assume most of you will not be doing this trade, only those of you who trade the ES/MES futures.