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Auto GPT is very very

Volatility daily systems

Posted by James_Roe on 12th of May 2023 at 01:29 pm

Auto GPT is very very buggy.

It's potentially interesting tech, but it is not useful tech at the moment.

One of the biggest current

Volatility daily systems

Posted by James_Roe on 12th of May 2023 at 01:24 pm

One of the biggest current limitations is that large language model AI is not general intelligence, it's just aware of a lot of the discourse.

As such all of its answers are essentially group think, from playing around with it you mostly get RSI, MACD and moving average cross strategies. These can be OK but we have a lot more complexity in our systems, particularly the swing systems for managing risk.

STS is updated, for some reason the script that imports data didn't run on Friday or Monday, I'll look into our server logs later and make sure it doesn't happen again.

We're tracking something like 700 instruments, maybe it makes sense to do weekly and monthly's for a couple of the ETF's but doesn't seem like it's useful to do that for the entire basket.

There's no set time, they have to be manually updated.

I've updated them though so if you're seeing older stuff try a ctrl refresh.

These don't pick bottoms, they need a reversal and confirmation, they're not reversion to mean they're trend following. 

They're not perfect by any means, they're just intended to work as a tool for managing long term investments across multiple instruments without curve fitting.

It's mostly based on this twitter thread I shared with Matt an hour or so ago.

Zero hedge has a good write up of the kinds of crap that's coming to the tech sector over the next week or two.

The remaining ES longs have exited.

STrap exited its 1st and 2nd Entry at: 3983.

Both Long Bears exited their 1st entry at 3983.

"I will take a half position (of a second entry)"

That's probably what I would do to, but want to leave the actual decision up to Matt, who is I think home and should be weighing in shortly.

The more profitable Bear Long strat won't be taking a second entry until: 3955.

Sorry miss communication between Matt and I, thought he would be back by now.

One of the Bear Long systems has taken a second entry at 3969.50, it's the less profitable version though, and we're only tracking one of the two.

If you think it's going to go higher here you could take a full second entry, or if you thought there was still downside you could either wait for the other system, or take a half entry here.

I've attached stats from both versions to help you decide.

After talking to matt we're going to wait for @ES to reopen before issuing a trade, these after market sell offs tend to close weird on TS.

ES has sold off so much now that the Trend/Pullback trade is no longer triggering, but we are seeing an additional entry for Long Bear.

Early Systems Alert

Posted by James_Roe on 28th of Feb 2023 at 03:28 pm

The Long Trend Trade is showing a possible 1st entry on SPY, it will confirm after the close at 4pm EST.

The Long Trend Trade is showing a possible 1st entry on ES, it will confirm after the close of the futures market at 5pm EST.

You can enter the futures

ES and SPY systems update.

Posted by James_Roe on 25th of Feb 2023 at 10:48 am

You can enter the futures market Sunday afternoon.

These trades however were first posted on the trading community around 1 pm EST, they just can't be confirmed until after the close of the futures market.

You can enter the futures

ES and SPY systems update.

Posted by James_Roe on 25th of Feb 2023 at 10:48 am

You can enter the futures market Sunday afternoon.

These trades however were first posted on the trading community around 1 pm EST, they just can't be confirmed until after the close of the futures market.

I don't have edit rights,

ES and SPY systems update.

Posted by James_Roe on 24th of Feb 2023 at 06:37 pm

I don't have edit rights, Matt will be back later this evening though.


ES and SPY systems update.

Posted by James_Roe on 24th of Feb 2023 at 05:38 pm


The ES STrap long system,

ES and SPY systems update.

Posted by James_Roe on 24th of Feb 2023 at 05:08 pm

The ES STrap long system, which we are only trading a half position size in, has taken a second entry at 3,974.50.


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