
    Posted by tom on 12th of Feb 2010 at 10:31 pm


    Absolutely, positively no more politics.  Under the Tools section you will see a Blog Rules link which states inflammatory Religious, Political or Sexual language; maybe that is not clear enough but consider going forward it says ANY instead of inflammatory.  This is a Trading Community and posts should be regarding the market (no that doesn't mean you can bash or give praise to the Government and then parlay it into your market opinion).  Whether they be based on technicals, fundamentals or just your gut leave the board to trading and stock posts.  If you have some insatiable unrelenting desire to talk politics with a member, that desires your input, then do it over the PM system - NOT ON THE TRADING COMMUNITY.

    Also if someone posts something you feel is in violation, don't answer them, get someone from admin.  No one here is the post police so take a deep breath and relax because their post isn't going to kill you and in the meantime we will take care of it upon you making us aware or upon seeing it ourselves.

    Going forward, if someone is found in violation of the Rules or doing anything that disrupts the Community we will ban their ability to post for a very brief amount of time to discuss with them what they did that we wish they wouldn't.  After that warning, a member can lose their posting privileges although you will still be able to read posts.  Please, Please don't make us ban anyone!

    Personally I have been around this board for a few months as admin but a few years as a member.  This is a great community with great people.  Let us not get distracted by the hot button topics of the day and continue to work to help each other better our trading and investing skills.

    Tom, politics is one of

    Posted by shang on 14th of Feb 2010 at 03:14 am

    Tom, politics is one of the key factors to detemine the direction of market. We should consider to discuss it in a reasonable way. Just my 2 cents.


    Posted by jcmells on 14th of Feb 2010 at 10:07 am
    Title: Response to shang

    the thing is, political EVENTS

    Posted by Michael on 14th of Feb 2010 at 10:55 am

    the thing is, political EVENTS or possible events can influence market direction -- what might happen if Greece goes bankrupt, if the FED prints another two trillion dollars, if Congress does this or that..........................those are valid issues for the blog I would think.  But our OPINIONS about those political happenings are useless for trading, in fact are bad for trading.  So rants and diatribes and emotional opinions just have no value here.

    Michael -- I agree with

    Posted by puma on 14th of Feb 2010 at 04:37 pm

    Michael -- I agree with you completely -- It's shouldn't be hard for anyone us to post about the possible market implications of a political event without expressing our opinions on the politics. Same for articles written by others that you want to post -- if they are about the market implications -- then great -- but if they are political rants, they don't belong here.

    Tom -- thanks for your post. This is a great trading community, and we don't need politics here to mess it up.


    Posted by isplat on 14th of Feb 2010 at 02:19 pm

    As always, your post is sensible and considered. I fully agree with you. I want to make it quite clear to everyone that my objection was NOT specifically to the opinion expressed by duesy, but to the fact that a politically provocative statement was being made. It doesn't make a difference whether it's left-wing or right-wing, conservative or liberal or whatever, I simply don't need to have the opinions of others foisted upon me... I similarly do not care to know whether anyone here is of the opinion that Chardonnay is viniculturally superior to Sauvingnon Blanc, or the other way around!

    Information about political events that have an influence on the markets is a different matter altogether. For me as a European it is very useful to get an insight from the North American members here, and perhaps I can from time to time give you guys a bit of information from Germany that might be helpful.

    Good trading, everybody!

    "opinions expiration week?"

    Posted by Palladin on 14th of Feb 2010 at 02:22 pm

    "opinions expiration week?" Smile


    Posted by isplat on 14th of Feb 2010 at 04:33 pm

    LOL!!! Great comment!



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