
    Posted by steve on 9th of Feb 2010 at 12:48 pm

    Germany said they were not working on a bailout.  Any Euro members here who can tell us the truth?

    More importantly let's focus on the charts.  Support for ES is 1061-65

    Afraid to say...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Feb 2010 at 12:54 pm

    Facts are hard to establish.

    I would have thought it better for Greece to approach the IMF as it is plain to see that the ECB have no idea what to the heck to do. As usual.

    ECB Now saying...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Feb 2010 at 01:30 pm

    "it will stand by all member states"

    German minister says "No decision made as yet"

    I don't know if it is a question of...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Feb 2010 at 01:38 pm

    will they?... Or can they?

    Apparently there is some debate about how much debt there is for Greece as some of the debt structures put together for Greece by GS had the benefit of 'showing' a lower amount of debt borrowed than what was actually borrowed.

    See here...

    Posted by saturn6 on 9th of Feb 2010 at 01:43 pm

    It starting to remind me

    Posted by steve on 9th of Feb 2010 at 01:22 pm

    It starting to remind me a little of how the sub-prime stuff here in the US began.

    Yes it sound just like

    Posted by window72 on 9th of Feb 2010 at 06:03 pm

    Yes it sound just like sub prime. Except worse. It says 'years later the bonds are repaid in the original foreign denominations', so it isn't just the extra 1 billion. If the Euro tanks (and it has fallen so far with this news) then they will need more Euros to pay back the original $ they borrowed.

    yeah thats what I am

    Posted by cwa82675 on 9th of Feb 2010 at 01:29 pm

    yeah thats what I am learning about the bear markets - all have to have an underlying even that causes fear in the public/traders eyes.  The psychology is stronger than the prices.

    CNBC says...

    Posted by perthx on 9th of Feb 2010 at 01:00 pm

    one talking head basically said that they ECB really has no choice so that the upside is going to be warranted because at some point they HAVE TO DO IT.

    Besides wave C needs a 5th wave no? hehe

    I'm watching German TV -

    Posted by isplat on 9th of Feb 2010 at 12:52 pm

    I'm watching German TV - nothing here to say the assistance package has been called off. Meeting is in Brussels on Thurs, German gov't coalition heads meeting tomorrow to discuss details.


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