
    Posted by isplat on 20th of Nov 2009 at 03:46 pm

    would you actually go short today still at 1094-1095, as it is a fib level, or is there still too great a chance of significant upside before wave 5 down commences?

    taking some shorts home

    Posted by matt on 20th of Nov 2009 at 03:52 pm

    well, I went home short yesterday.  I covered today on the divergence and I'm going to take some shorts home over the weekend.  I'm not margining out, just took home a very small amount. 

    Plus, I have SRS short from the system and I'm also long BIDU from the swing system etc so I'm hedged for the long side.  Honestly it's probably dumb because we are oversold on the 60 min charts and headed into a holiday weekend.

    thanks, Matt, I'm buying SH

    Posted by dallassteve on 20th of Nov 2009 at 03:55 pm

    Thanks for posting Matt.
    I sold my SH this morning, but adding it back at the close.
    Was hoping for a bigger bounce today, so a little disappointed.
    It is good to know how you are thinking.  (Of course, I don't interpret it as trading advice, but I'm glad to know I am not all by myself.)


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