yes but it's all hyperbole and people like to shit on it, just like they all made fun of the Falcon 9 rockers in years past when they were first being developed and crashing.  They  expected it to fail, they got it off the ground and up 25 miles before it failed, which was a success for them, the surprise for them would have been if it didn't have a problem

    again the Starship is gamechanger long term - the amount of cargo it can eventually put up at one time as well as the cost - is orders of magnitude better than anything in the past. It can put up to 250 tons into orbit if you don't reuse it and 150 if you intend to reuse it

    as an example: The ISS, which took many years to build out took 42 launches to get that payload in orbit over many years. The ISS weights 450 tons, - the Starship could theoretically launch the ISS with 2 or 3 launches vs 42! 

    Again Elon he's Twitter Troll, he likes doing that and stirring up stuff with comments, but don't let that distract you from the good that has been developed over the last decade with the Falcon Heavy and eventually the Starship. 

    in the past the bloated government-like Aerospace companies, Boeing, Lockeed etc, were so slow in development - miking contracts for as long as possible, very slow development - SpaceX basically developed this stuff 10 fold or more faster than those companies and NASA and at 10 times less the cost

    Remember Elon is the one

    Posted by matt on 20th of Apr 2023 at 06:26 pm

    Remember Elon is the one who pulled off the reusable booster - thus cutting costs  by many times what previous launches used to cost

    the analogy I like is: imagine you are taking a vacation to FL and you drive there in your car that you have to 'throw away' and buy a new car to drive back - image how much more that vacation would cost if you could only drive the car one time - same thing with the rockets that for decades they would just let fall into the Ocean and have to build another one - the reusability was a big deal and logical 


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