AGG The aggregate bond market

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Oct 2022 at 08:31 am

    AGG The aggregate bond market was positive yesterday. A 27 long term RSI, I think a very reasonable place for a cost average purchase for the long term. Discount to NAV advantage in this capitulation. My wife's retirement plan has something like this with the F fund. We have a small amount in it, I'm going to add 10% to the allocation:


    So I'm looking where I can possibly benefit from areas that have been potentially put on sale. Rather than just focusing on TLT's major decline (and rates being up, up, up), why not look to where there could be an opportunity, longer term. I purchased muni bonds years ago when Meredith Whitney was making the tour on why there would be catastrophe. It ended up being one of the best fixed income investments of my life. Many, many years of a bull market. I was buying the highest quality at extreme discounts. At the time, I remember it was the most unpopular allocation. 

    Even in this case, I'm sure I'll hear all about why this doesn't make sense and I'm catching a falling knife. My answer to that is, I'm cost averaging at the best discounts, and it is a small percentage of my overall allocation of one account. I'll likely look back and wish I had bought more. It has often been the case and unless the world is ending, it will be again. I'm taking a multi-year view here on this allocation. The investment grade bond market is chiefly important to world business. This too shall pass. Unless the aliens land, then nothing to worry about anyway. Part of running a long term portfolio is making decisions during times of great turmoil. I remember when everyone thought interest rates couldn't go up. That was the time to get the refinance, buy the house, etc. Now look at rates. There are times to take advantage while the season permits one to do so. Have a great weekend! 

    AGG-Following up on this writeup

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 11th of Nov 2022 at 11:21 am

    AGG-Following up on this writeup I did. Everything was ripe at that point for getting some exposure (extreme risk/reward opportunity) and it ended up being the bottom for now. In no way could I have known that, though I have had these things happen in the past when making new investments in extreme environments. 

    I remember oil years ago and being called a fool for buying when they took it negative a barrel. Then just holding for a long time until we got the big boom this year. That is my kind of investing. Buying the best when nobody wants it, then waiting until everyone wants it to trail my gains over a long period of time. I do it in sectors, indexes, bonds, wherever it makes sense. I've done it for over 20+ years of investing context wise. Certainly no ego as I know I don't run the show, the market makes the rules, I just play by them. But yes, it is exciting to be able to make money to support my family, contribute, and improve. Just like an athlete who scores important points for their team. Nothing wrong with celebrating because there are plenty of days where you wonder if you are doing the right things and pray you are. 

    I had an A ball run with the Marlins years ago, talk about humbling. I got blown off the field, running in particular. I was decent at certain levels and for my areas (doubles to power type hitter), but I wasn't an all tool player like some of these guys. 

    I do the same with investing, I specialize in the areas that make sense for me and work my plan accordingly. Reviews like this help me a lot to continue to remain diligent, keep an open mind, and stay my course. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to grow here with you all. 

    This ended up being a

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 1st of Dec 2022 at 11:06 am

    This ended up being a monster call  for me and possibly was the bottom longer term for AGG. Grateful it has worked out. Will continue to hold ..

    I curbed my enthusiasm and

    Posted by fundamentalvalues on 22nd of Oct 2022 at 08:57 am

    I curbed my enthusiasm and added 6% to the small allocation there in the F fund. Another reason is that there is a G fund earning on average about 3.36% now without any principal risk, we have a significant amount allocated to that fund, about 51% of the account. 

    I listed my other allocations prior in large and small cap, currently 24% and 10% respectively in this account. My last sells for equities as you know were at 4,800, 4,600, and 4,300 round numbers respectively. The stock exposure I still have invested is from the corona crash buys, so plenty of room, and we cost average each month 50/50 between large and small caps. 


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