Guys for fun you can look at previous bear markets like 2008, or 2,000 to 2002, or maybe one of the 70s bear markets and try to compare and find some similar price action between them, however this is a different type of bear Market and I would focus on the wave structure and price Action Now versus worrying about comparisons to previous bear markets, this bear Market is its own animal.

    And honestly guys, not to scare you but it would not surprise me if this bear market ends up being the worst bear Market than any of us have experienced in our lives, worse that 2008, in fact the bond action is almost worse now

    I lived thew 2000 to

    Posted by srusso1 on 1st of Oct 2022 at 05:09 pm

    I lived thew 2000 to 2002 and 2008  didn't trade in the 70's  the Moon phase may be at work here especially last week.   


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