
    Just wanted to give you a quick shout out (and big thank you) on this one. After over a decade with you guys you probably know I don't post much as i'm not an active trader per se (rather sell short dated put options), but i had to on this one.  Because I really liked the chart set up, last Friday I sold a bunch of 6/18/21,  $7.50 and $10.0 puts when WISH was $8.18. Lets just say I earned another decade worth of payments for your services if the options expire worthless....   :-)  .  And then there's CCJ, which i'm long (per your charts) . Each month I just keep selling slightly higher out of the money calls, it's a regular money printer!

    hazbin1 - wow you've been

    Posted by matt on 9th of Jun 2021 at 09:39 am

    hazbin1 - wow you've been with us a long time....humbled by that.  

    anyway NICE JOB on that WISH.  I'm so happy I didn't stop out of mine, I almost did. I should start employing some option strategies like you did here for WISH


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