i still move out of

    TSLA - rumors of California allowing reopen

    Posted by RP on 11th of May 2020 at 03:38 pm

    i still move out of CA haha next they want billions for us to bail out all the high debt states and their mismanagement going on for decades...i dont thin k we hav enogh trees to print that much..my home state of indiana has a suplus has for years called good management..

    Indiana has one of the

    Posted by ssaffer on 11th of May 2020 at 03:49 pm

    Indiana has one of the highest savings rate/ per person.   I moved from NY to AZ a few years ago to get out of the awful policies and constant tax hikes with no improvement in quality of life .  i have a brother that moved from Illinois  to Indiana a couple of years ago.  Best thing he ever did for his family ( Forgot to add he went to Notre Dame).    More and more friends of mine that own businesses getting out these states that have huge deficits and looking to drain the few who have anything left. 

    My Uncle lives in Columbus

    Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 09:17 am

    My Uncle lives in Columbus on best small towns in America. He has lived in same house sence 70's overlooks hundreds of acres of corn filelds and trees on a hill. Geese flying horses running just awesome he worked at Cummins diesel for 36 years after he got out of the navy. Saved his money worth millions you wouldnt no he had a dime. Thems the kinda folks i like. Haha oh and our vice presidents family is from the Columbus as well .

    LOL I guess for older

    Posted by golfthis on 11th of May 2020 at 03:57 pm

    LOL I guess for older white guys Indiana is just fine but if you want great weather surf, golf, hiking winter sports  great food and night life for all 12 months of the year I'll take California any day 

    long as you can pay

    Posted by RP on 12th of May 2020 at 09:22 am

    long as you can pay for it ! last time i was there my son played football at USD roads on the way to and thru the state where horrible what happens when u give a way the farm..

    How about this.  You save

    Posted by ssaffer on 11th of May 2020 at 04:14 pm

    How about this.  You save a ton of $$$ as an old white guy (he is half spanish btw).    He can now afford to buy a vacation home on the beach and all his kids (5) college paid off and his home paid off, no debt.   


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