so like i posted yesterday

    Posted by RP on 21st of Apr 2020 at 09:19 am

    so like i posted yesterday gld is down and gold etfs down uso wouldnt touch with your money i also went long jdst 25k shares see how that goes i play both sides og gld so will be looking to go long after this move lower. we hav the wack job pelosi doing her magic along with chucky cheese schumer so folks getting extra 600.00 a week to set at home why would u work wowo that makes ssense and i heard this morning that 4% of applicants got half the money that was suppose to be for small business u kidding me!! another scam ...thanks jpmorgan we bailed their asses out in 08 09 and they pander to shake shack and ruth crisp or what ever it is that monmey suppose to be for samll business not thoase assholes sorry just unreal the hand out free money greed coming thru again. i drive buy the place i eat breakfast and there are 4 cars and thats employees how long can this last. thanks china !!


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