yes we know - again

    jnug up 55% on the day nugt up 38%

    Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:53 am

    yes we know - again guys pick one thing and focus on it, whether it be NUGT or ES futures, or some virus play, whatever, laser focus

    Matt be a good time

    Posted by RP on 17th of Mar 2020 at 10:57 am

    Matt be a good time for GLD system something to consider also would been nice if spy system went short with puts in largest waterfall decline in history. i know its easy to say ..harder to do. but if we get the bounce we all looking for than would be a good time to short again. this aint over until i would say end of may. going to the mine today to do some digging for wulfenite one good thing about az we all tired listening to this crap on tv ...............

    first honestly could have shorted

    Posted by matt on 17th of Mar 2020 at 11:00 am

    first honestly could have shorted the DVT exit on either the 2hr or daily instead of just using it to go to cash, maybe that's something to do in the future. also the end of bull cycle daily signal tends to be a good short as I pointed out already. Again we can't go back to the past, all we can do is adjust and do things better going forward.  Anyway for now I'm watching things guys, gotta focus


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