GNC.   I know we

    Posted by ssaffer on 7th of Mar 2020 at 04:30 pm

    GNC.   I know we all think of GNC as a protein powder and protien bars type of store (at least I do).  But with the Coronavirus people are going to want to build there immune system.  Vitamin C is essential for that and Vitamin C supplement is one of the things that you can do to help maintain your immune system.  With all the box stores being ransacked for Vitamin C variants.  I think that GNC could become a winner as they sell a lot of different kinds of Vitamin C supplements, powders, etc...  The stock has been thrashed and left for dead.  It is near all time historic lows.  In my personal opinion the risk/reward is a good one for me at least.  Same with buying Blue Apron last week.  That one propped up from the dead and I made a nice profit.  I will look to get back into APRN on next pullback (unless it sells off below support on the Daily chart).  I will look to open a position in GNC monday (not trading advice just my opinion).  

    Good Virus Information (Medical)

    Posted by steve on 7th of Mar 2020 at 05:34 pm

    Masks are totally ineffective in regards to a virus (Doctor clarifies nicely).  Better to take Vitamin D to build your immune system as the Doctor states .  Make no mistake, this virus will expand rapidly (especially in an open society)

    The hysteria has definitely impacted consumer behavior and thus real economic impact (reflected in the stock market) but the health concerns are largely overblown as the Doctor states so very well.  The economic impact can lead to problems for highly leveraged companies (several in the energy space) and lack of demand in travel and leisure as one example.  Quite honestly, the world economy was weakening prior to the virus impact which will certainly accelerate the downward trajectory (perhaps much more than one can surmise).  Again, my ongoing concern is they amount of DEBT (corporate debt etc) in the system which will be severely impacted by slowing economy (recession).  As the credit markets become frayed, more downward pressure is on equities 

    Great information and very useful. 

    Posted by ssaffer on 7th of Mar 2020 at 07:51 pm

    Great information and very useful.  Thank you for posting this. 


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