Matt and Steve - I

    Posted by ssaffer on 1st of Mar 2020 at 04:01 pm

    Matt and Steve - I know their have been some discussion on putting the 120min into play on the Trading system.   Reviewing todays newsletter and seeing how the BPT deluxe on it gave a great exit before the waterfall and seems to me with such high volatility The one I would like to trade more often.  I know you post it every evening on your newsletter but to be honest I dont always have time to review and go more with your end of the day trades that are announced to us via email and text if you are signed up for that service.  If you could put the 120min into that email/text during market hours would be awesome.  Thanks!  

    make sure to listen to

    Posted by matt on 1st of Mar 2020 at 04:14 pm

    make sure to listen to the newsletter - I expect the market when it does put in a tradeable low I expect sharp ABC type moves up and down zig zags for months - basically chop. BPT MA daily on that kind of environment is not responsive enough for those types of moves. Also even the coveted 120 min trend system - that system has a danger of possibly triggering on one of those B wave bounces probably at a high and then stop out. No the best thing would be to allow the market to have these oscillators over a couple months before trying to follow the trend stuff as well.  I will say that the reversion to mean  systems might catch some nice shorts on B wave bounces, they tend to do well on chop like that

    again I discuss all this in great depth in the newsletter - you have not had time to listen to it yet so please do

    Matt - thanks for reply.

    Posted by ssaffer on 1st of Mar 2020 at 04:32 pm

    Matt - thanks for reply.  I am always trying to learn, stay humble and what tools works best in different markets.  

    yeah man, staying humble is

    Posted by matt on 1st of Mar 2020 at 05:11 pm

    yeah man, staying humble is so true, never get cocky thinking you know it all when you are trading fantastic, always stay humble, the market's teach us that. I'm really not looking forward to the futures open, anyway we'll how they open it.

    best advice i have heard

    Posted by RP on 1st of Mar 2020 at 09:40 pm

    best advice i have heard period !! also remember always speak the truth lots blow smoke uo ur you no what..i have been extremely blessed last couple of years volitility is where its is at for me. what i post on here is what i do period no bs . my son just text me about another death so 10 yer hit 1% he said. another thing is your guys have damn good sense of whats up with the mkts another reason why i am here..see what  happens tomorrow .


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