Ssaffer, I so agree with this... Matt and Steve said it would be best for a gap down and recovery for a possible rebound so I hung in there and walked away too. I'm glad I did; having a trading plan from the beginning is a must... in trading nothing good ever comes from panic...

    Hoping this is a short term capitulation day and we get a decent rebound! 

    Panic - You are operating

    Posted by ssaffer on 27th of Feb 2020 at 01:17 pm

    Panic - You are operating in primordial brain (flight and fright).  Your decisions will be emotional and not rational.  I always try to keep this formula in my head when faced with a big decision.  I/E.   I(Intellect)/ E (emotion).  So I always check in with this formula to see if I am overweight Intellect or else I am in an emotional mind and that could prove to be a bad decision.  


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