NYSE $TICK  just hit -1,799,

    Posted by steve on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:48 pm

    NYSE $TICK  just hit -1,799, the lowest since:  -1,803 from May 6, 2010  (Flash Crash)

    Nice 30 point ES bounce

    Posted by steve on 25th of Feb 2020 at 03:02 pm

    Nice 30 point ES bounce after the huge negative tick

    We need a Trump tweet. 

    Posted by ssaffer on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:53 pm

    We need a Trump tweet.  Like "We found a cure"  more cowbell!

    well chucky cheese shumer on

    Posted by RP on 25th of Feb 2020 at 02:55 pm

    well chucky cheese shumer on guess he took a break from thoise bad russians now on the virus ahhh lets see another investigation . this time its the virus what?? anyway he looks like garndpa on the munsters God help us!!


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