Newsletter will be late

    Posted by matt on 19th of Feb 2020 at 07:39 pm

    Newsletter will be late tonight, had some technical difficulties and I have to run out to my daughters Karate class.  

    as far as the market, honestly same o same o, SPX I think is gonna tag the 3400, it's only 14 points away now and got within 5 points of it today, so I think price will push up to tag it

    Matt, What kind of pullbacks

    Posted by kevindeng0727 on 19th of Feb 2020 at 09:03 pm

    Matt, What kind of pullbacks are we looking for after 3400 is taken out (short or intermediate term tops)?

    I think you posted an Elliott Wave count recently but can't find it.

    Thanks for sharing.  

    Probably hit it in the

    Posted by ssaffer on 19th of Feb 2020 at 07:49 pm

    Probably hit it in the overnight.  I know time and price trump all, the market breadth is very weak.   With this move you would like to see a lot more stocks over their 20 day MA.  Not seeing much of that this week.  


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