That would be hilarious if

    SPX 5 min

    Posted by mla127 on 18th of Feb 2020 at 02:44 pm

    That would be hilarious if we close green ...    

    why?  price simple came down

    Posted by matt on 18th of Feb 2020 at 02:56 pm

    why?  price simple came down to a support level ATR on the 120 min I pointed out earlier, and as I pointed out price perfectly bounced off symmetry of 30 points, which was the same as the pullback on Feb 10th.   it's not like there were clear obvious topping patterns or anything to suggest some major top in place. again everyone knows the market is overbought and thinks it's just going to sell off a cliff - generally things don't happen that way - usually you need some sideways movement and time to cause the daily MA's to flatten out thus allowing for the big drops.  It will have a correction anyway but the other problem is too many are looking for that big correction thinking every down morning is the start of the 'big one'. 

    once enough people have capitulated and have accepted in their mind's it won't go down, then maybe it will be time.   Too many trying to jump on short thinking tops in all the time

    LOL for the real top to be in place we need you NOT to be surprised that it rallied back basically   

    One way, super crowded trade

    Posted by DK on 18th of Feb 2020 at 03:19 pm

    One way, super crowded trade in 5 stocks. No way anything can go wrong when the big boys want out😉

    I don't look for a

    Posted by mla127 on 18th of Feb 2020 at 02:58 pm

    I don't look for a top nor  don't care to tell for one you the truth ...  i just find it funny how everything is bullish and we can't even get a few down days to reset things ...   before the Fed stepped up to shore up the repo market ... aka the QE that isn't QE but it is ...   any situation like what's happening in China would have been felt differently for sure ... but now .... it's full on FOMO ... it's a one way street no matter what ....  that's what's funny for me ...   

    China and India are also

    Posted by amcap on 18th of Feb 2020 at 03:41 pm

    China and India are also pumping billions into the markets, can't fight the central banks.


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