Sold my SPY position (Thanks

    Posted by ssaffer on 12th of Dec 2019 at 11:38 am

    Sold my SPY position (Thanks Matt and Steve) at the am pop as I saw large sell orders come in on level 2.  and now SDS@25.80 .  Trying to beat the "Bots".  

    nice trade by you ssaffer

    Posted by matt on 12th of Dec 2019 at 12:28 pm

    nice trade by you ssaffer - in my email on the SPY system I probably should have mentioned it might be a good area to condition lightening up vs waiting for end of day as we all knew the market was very extended. And now the system wont' exit unless the market rallies back up a bunch

    anyway nice trade by you

    Matt- As we know the

    Posted by ssaffer on 12th of Dec 2019 at 12:36 pm

    Matt- As we know the market is dynamic and never static.  You guys have done a fantastic job on the trades, I just trade in shorter time frames with my trading count so this am I was trading on the 5 min and made my exit.    We should get some great shorting opportunities coming up and into early January.  I look forward to the next "alert". 

    funny - unless the market

    Posted by matt on 12th of Dec 2019 at 11:57 am

    funny - unless the market closes back higher the system might not exit, though it would likely exit tomorrow instead.


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