Well i unloaded my GLD

    Posted by RP on 25th of Oct 2019 at 03:14 pm

    Well i unloaded my GLD position and jnug and nugt yesterday and they opened up big this morning but that is fine as i did very well on what i sold. just sold SE postion and added 8k shares OSTK this morning along with 125 calls jan on same. looking for a pullback on GLD and will  get back in for ride up to 1600. Daily is over bought here so sideways to down next 4-5 days. need a close 1513.80 on GS contract than i think we will ramp up.

    good trading rp

    Posted by steve on 25th of Oct 2019 at 03:16 pm

    good trading rp

    thank you sir! i forgot

    Posted by RP on 25th of Oct 2019 at 03:20 pm

    thank you sir! i forgot i added 5k TVIX as well i never enter my entire position at once usually i hav 4 entries just way it seems to work for me. everyone is different of course ...evryone have great weekend see what Monday holds...

    Maybe a pop and drop

    Posted by steve on 25th of Oct 2019 at 03:56 pm

    Maybe a pop and drop on Monday or next week for markets SPX 3027/28 then 3040-44

    TVIX on weekly sitting on

    Posted by retirefire on 25th of Oct 2019 at 04:10 pm

    TVIX on weekly sitting on lower bb, JUST an observation, last time down there it nearly doubled.


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