also regarding the QE BTS

    SPY system update

    Posted by matt on 16th of May 2019 at 12:24 pm

    also regarding the QE BTS sub system that I said will be closing out.  Actually in the system that trade closes out on the next day's open, which would be tomorrow morning on the open not today at the close.

    that said, here's the stats of the system closing out tomorrow on the open and at the close today.  Honestly it's 6 one half dozen the other as sometimes one is better, than the other is better etc.  The next day open has a slightly higher PF of 30 vs 27.8 but not's not much different.  total profit 40.3K vs 40.1K meh.  89% on next day open vs 88.2 on close.  Again pick  your poison. If you have shares of ETF you can just split it and sell out 1/2 today at the close and the other 1/2 tomorrow on the open. If you more than 1 call option you can sell 1/2 today and 1/2 tomorrow. if you have only 1 call option for this trade then you have to pick. anyway figured I'd share


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