SPX 5 min with pivots

    Posted by matt on 1st of Sep 2016 at 09:57 am

    $SPX - Chart Link - morning high tagged the 200 SMA on the 5 min, almost testing the underside of the open gap.   Should price push back up, filling that gap would be a target.  Otherwise nice pullback from the 200 SMA so far as price has weakened

    We're right on the cusp

    Posted by frtaylor on 1st of Sep 2016 at 10:55 am

    We're right on the cusp of breaking symmetry (technically 3 pts over), although I think it's still too close to say definitively. I'd like to sell a SPY call spread, but just not quite there yet.

    if a break of symmetry

    Posted by matt on 1st of Sep 2016 at 10:57 am

    if a break of symmetry occurs best to wait for the bounce that forms a lower high as a lower risk area vs chasing the immediate down action after the symmetry break

    Absolutely! But what I am

    Posted by frtaylor on 1st of Sep 2016 at 10:59 am

    Absolutely! But what I am saying is it's a marginal break at this point. What's your take?


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