Hey Matt: The positive about getting your tonsils out?

    Posted by stevieb294 on 18th of Jul 2016 at 07:49 am

    unlimited ice cream!

    My best for a speedy recovery...

    definitely.  ha ha been thinking

    Posted by matt on 18th of Jul 2016 at 09:35 am

    definitely.  ha ha been thinking about going back on low carb diet but clearly have to wait until after recovery as it will be pretty much liquid diet for 5 - 7 days and plenty of carb stuff like ice creams etc.  I may buy some Soyent.  I was reading about the recovery apparently it's pretty a pretty touch first week, however I read on forums that everyone who went through the surgery late in life despite a hard recovery none of them regretted doing it as they no longer get sick.  

    Anyway I'm considering it, getting Strep all the time, being on constant antibiotics sucks, I don't get anything else but Strep, some reason my body doesn't fight that infection, I've tried everything from building immune system to various mouth washes and gargling crazy stuff like Oregano Oil, but nothing seems to prevent it from coming back. Plus I don't sleep well, I have some sleep apnea, the doctor things it might cure that too as it will open up the airway more.  If I do it, I'm sure I'll be out at least a week, so have to time it with Steve etc

    On the sleep apnea, get

    Posted by frtaylor on 18th of Jul 2016 at 10:17 am

    On the sleep apnea, get one of those wedge pillows so you can't turn on your back while sleeping. Apnea is bad for you, for your energy during the day and for overall health (including a healthy immune system).

    oh yeah for sure.  that's

    Posted by matt on 18th of Jul 2016 at 10:22 am

    oh yeah for sure.  that's one issue I need to solve, I am such a light sleeper and don't sleep much.  

    Sounds like...

    Posted by stevieb294 on 18th of Jul 2016 at 09:40 am

    ...the solution to me...

    Even if we will miss you for the week...


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