New short signal today

    Posted by sbaxman111 on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 03:42 pm

    My key daily and 60 min indicators are providing a new Short signal for today that typically would be considered a high % statistical play based on my research. So, normally for me, this is a no brainer scale in short trade, but with Brexit vote taking place, it doesn't seem very judicious to step in front of that outcome on an overnight basis.  My charts also are providing a new Long signal for TYX as it too is oversold on a short-term basis. 

    I just hate days like this when once again there is governmental/Fed/Central Bank interruption to the normal market movements. 

    Any BPT'ers going Short here?


    Posted by nicole4 on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 04:20 pm

    i'm on the sidelines here

    Seems like the market is

    Posted by mphailey on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 04:06 pm

    Seems like the market is overheated and the vote hasn't even taken place -- but as Steve has taught me -- I see no trigger to short. Where is the reversal? I'd wait for that. There are some guys on twitter who are shorting this and they are usually good contrary indicators. The type of guys who'd rather be right than make money. 

    not shorting yet...waiting for trigger. Feels

    Posted by wowten on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 04:22 pm

    not shorting yet...waiting for trigger.

    Feels like BREMAIN is priced in and only those who shorted too soon are covering BUT anything is possible.

    I'm not going short, but

    Posted by mphailey on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 03:49 pm

    I'm not going short, but I did close out of my SPY long today. I'm mostly in cash. 

    I have a lone VIX

    Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 03:49 pm

    I have a lone VIX call against a few positions (calls on longer term plays mostly) in my IRA. Zero interest in shorting here otherwise....


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