My favorite...

    Yellen says recession odds are low

    Posted by stevieb294 on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 12:21 pm

    ...answer yesterday was: "The economy is experiencing slower than expected growth and we really don't know why."

    Really, lady?

    Give me a call and I'll tell you...!

    So much for the knowledge of our "public figures." as one recently offended BPT member called her on this board...

    This is a repeat of

    Posted by wowten on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 01:19 pm

    This is a repeat of her history.  Remember Yellen said that there was no housing bubble and that the US economy was safe...that was in 2007 when the housing market had already been in decline for 7 months.

    After the bubble burst she said ..."for my own part I did not see and did not appreciate that the risks were with securitization.... I didn't see any of that coming until it happened".

    Really are these central bankers that blind?...Maybe but I expect she knows why and isn't allowed to tell the least until it happens again.

    Not offended, more annoyed by

    Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 12:45 pm

    Not offended, more annoyed by the noise, by the "if only everyone would listen to me I'd have this all fixed in no time" mentality. If you had some well-respected books on the subject, or other real-world reputation as a major thinker in this area, etc. that'd certainly separate you from the herd. As it is, there are lay opinions all the way across the spectrum, and I don't see why anyone should give more weight to yours anymore than the next guy's.

    Decision makers (politicians - yes, I know, ugh) really have no choice but to put people with backgrounds and reputations like Yellen's into positions such as Fed Chair. Otherwise, one guy is as good as the next - how would you decide? Yes, there is plenty to argue over regarding Fed actions! But to make remarks to the effect that "this person is a total idiot"only tells us where you stand; it doesn't forward the debate or change minds. That's all I'm saying, and that's why you don't see me post my opinion.

    I will tell you how to fix it, sir.

    Posted by stevieb294 on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 12:54 pm

    With good, logical economics that has been proven to work within this CAPITALIST society many times in the past and are being ignored due to politics today... Yes, some people ARE economic idiots, sir

    Look, man, I don't hate

    Posted by frtaylor on 23rd of Jun 2016 at 01:06 pm

    Look, man, I don't hate capitalism, and I am all for folks having opinions. But pounding the table gets us nowhere. Don't sweat it too much - I am not angry with you or anything like that (no need to go with the whole "sir" thing, I'm sure we could have a great time shooting some pool, etc.), I just find it beside the point on a trading site.


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