ha ha ha that's too

    Tonight's newsletter ha ha Steve's voice

    Posted by matt on 5th of Apr 2016 at 10:42 pm

    ha ha ha that's too funny.  well just so you know this kind of stuff only seems to happen to Steve, the bugs always hit him harder than me for some reason.

    otherwise on a serious note, it's actually our programmers fault, the new recorder is finished and perfect, I used it last night.  However my programmer had an old version from last week on his laptop that got synced to the website, which replaced the new version with that previous unfinshed one, and thus when Steve recorded it was from that that that previous buggy version.  That's been updated now, bad or dumb luck

    Sounds like a cross between

    Posted by a_l_ on 5th of Apr 2016 at 10:53 pm

    Sounds like a cross between the original late, late night talk show host, Tom Snyder & Paul Kangas of the Nightly Business Report. Dan Ackroyd did a great Snyder.

    his voice is actually a

    Posted by matt on 5th of Apr 2016 at 10:55 pm

    his voice is actually a clone of him and our programmer James, if you ever heard Jame's voice, which you guys never have, it sounds like they both had a baby and that's their son, perfect combination of the two

    from a technical perspective the reason it sounds strange is because the software recorded Steve's voice at 1/2 speed which obviously would not have worked, his audio would have been twice as long and excrutiating to listen to, James then tried to speed it up, but obviously couldn't get it perfect, hence the effect

    I always listen 1.5x to

    Posted by a_l_ on 5th of Apr 2016 at 11:10 pm

    I always listen 1.5x to 2x anyway, so you guys never sound normal ;-)


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