3D companies

    Posted by freakydude on 30th of Apr 2014 at 04:17 pm

    All of them have been hammered unmercifully in the last couple months. I believe all of them rebounded today strongly. DDD (which was down considerably yesterday), XONE, SSYS, VJET, and ONVO. SSYS had an engulfing candle and may have seen a double bottom. Take a look at the beautiful symmetry of XONE's chart for the last month. Up over 30% in two weeks. Wish I'd seen that one coming.

    I'm trying to post the XONE chart. Hope it comes out. Will see. If not, just ask for the one month chart at stockcharts.

    That XONE was a great

    Posted by matt on 30th of Apr 2014 at 10:05 pm

    That XONE was a great example for those of you who've been through one of the tutorials - had a clear trigger there at 26.45 and your stop would have been at the candle low on the trigger day of $25.8, so very tight and could have subsequentually moved it up, RSI's were oversold and price was too far from the 9 EMA

    great trade!

    Posted by morton13 on 1st of May 2014 at 09:21 am

    I missed XONE but will catch the next one!

    Amazing coincidence on ONVO

    Posted by freakydude on 30th of Apr 2014 at 04:20 pm

    While I was struggling to send out a 3D summary, Morton comes up with ONVO.

    wow thats freaky...

    Posted by morton13 on 30th of Apr 2014 at 04:26 pm


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