Current Trade Status

    Posted by tom on 29th of May 2012 at 09:58 am

    The SPY Sw in g System is in cash await in g a new signal.

    how does system miss a big bounce?

    Posted by lamb on 6th of Jun 2012 at 04:31 pm
    Title: 37 positive sand p points in two days

    Is the system working?  The

    Posted by tom on 7th of Jun 2012 at 08:13 am

    Is the system working?  The answer is yes in terms of functionally working.  Obviously in terms of returns it is safe to say it is currently not working. 

    As Matt has noted the system uses various trend indicators (some standard, some custom) to gauge trend and they filter out any potential longs on this last dip.  One he has shared in the past is the 200 day MA but there are others etc.

    and how did it miss

    Posted by biscuit on 1st of Jun 2012 at 02:11 pm

    and how did it miss this move down?


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