what nobody short....odd

    Posted by dell on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:13 pm

    hope is not a strategy..well got a few days to make up me mind if I want to become A member why where most guys going long when the market did'nt move during the voting..sure we are due for a bounce but why the need to be early..

    Title: nobody short...odd I'm sure there

    Posted by cw12 on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:26 pm
    Title: nobody short...odd

    Over the last few months

    Posted by Palladin on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:40 pm

    Over the last few months I did pretty well with swing longs and hedged them with a leveraged bear ETF which pretty much cancelled out all my gains until today when I sold it. It was a pretty rough ride but it worked out.

    Talk about swing trading! I was thinking of swinging with a rope around my neck (just kidding)

    Will look to short again if we get a decent bounce. I have not been day trading at all and staying out of the market, hence my lack of postings lately (in case anybody missed me Cry)


    I was net short most

    Posted by bkout3 on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:23 pm

    I was net short most of the day although slightly long coming in. Many members don't post at all so you can't make an evaluation of the overall members' positions based on the posts. If you've been following the nightly updates they've been pretty cautious and take a look at the "Long Term Tools" section

    Yes, nothing wrong with having

    Posted by cw12 on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:35 pm

    Yes, nothing wrong with having long and short exposure. Imo, traders get themselves in trouble when they are heavily 100% long or 100% short. Knowing how to manage risk with writing options goes a long way with avoiding drawdowns in ones' account.

    Hi Dell,

    Posted by johnc on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:22 pm

    Maybe not in this particular case.... but there are folks trading all different time frames and strategies here.   What might not look good for me swinging for a few days might look good to somebody else day trading or scalping, for instance.  Also, you never know what kind of strategy somebody is using and some guys are probably just betting on a bounce.  We're certainly due.  I do remember a recent bear market where that strategy didn't work so well, though.  Anyway, if you stick around you might learn a few things and I'll bet you like it here.

    Thanks..read the news letters..well done

    Posted by dell on 2nd of Aug 2011 at 05:51 pm

    Thanks..read the news letters..well done and I think matt was warning of more downside if key levels get taken out..I guess some like swimming up stream..anyway market feels like its sending A message to the gov ..also moody s and the others seem to be in A tuff position if they don't downgrade no one will be leave it..so they need to be cautious as to what they say..expect some thing soon


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