Posted by matt on 9th of Mar 2011 at 11:11 pm


    let's see if TLT can start to move up how I drew it a couple weeks back, it pulled back like I thought, now let's see if it can move up from here.

    TLT & BDI

    Posted by scyee on 10th of Mar 2011 at 12:00 am

    Hi Matt,

    plse note that $BDI 60stoch already crossing above 20, bulk commodities shipping business is very busy now, at least in Asia. This index usually go with Crude Oil. FYI

    TLT target?

    Posted by scyee on 9th of Mar 2011 at 11:57 pm


    30days & 50days TLT's upper bb bands at 92s, 93s area, the bands are - NOT expanding like they should be whenever a trend going to change from down to up. Does it mean, up side movement for tlt is limited, meaning rally again in spx, oil, silver? Note that $bkx:$spx, $bkx:$gold, C:$gold ratios already oversold in 60period stoch. this ratio goes with treasury yields. when it goes up, yields also up, meaning gold, oil, spx go up. But, $copper:$usb ratio still drifting down, see its 60stochastic, this ratio usually go with spx. May be, like you said, we got to wait for the triangle. I think, Crude Oil able to go up to $150/barrel in 2011. See the spread Copper minus 3xCrude, very high going down to zero line. Oil up, TLT down. Crude Oil Seasonal is goin up during March-May, then flat, then around July up again all the way to Nov. Oil up, Yields up, TLT down. I'm watching TLT upper bb bands togather with $wtic:$gold 60stochastic. The ratio overbot, goin down, or slightly down, watch 50 level, it moves opposite TLT. Rgds, 

    yep, will be interesting to

    Posted by matt on 10th of Mar 2011 at 12:12 am

    yep, will be interesting to see how all this plays out for sure.  

    Remember my big picture scenario, I don't expect this TLT trade to go very far.  I think long term rates have bottomed, once it's done, it will time to go back into TBT

    Bonds/Gold ratio

    Posted by scyee on 10th of Mar 2011 at 01:36 am

    time to short TLT again - very soon. Bounce up v limited.

    Dollar should go back down, bounce up only a little, even if Commercials go net positive now. The bank stocks, C & BAC, they can outperform gold as in $bkx:$spx ratio rising togather with yield.

    Pimco get out from treasury. FYI



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