I'm a bit spun here...I

    Posted by Jim on 25th of Jan 2011 at 07:08 pm

        I'm a bit spun here...I own ZSL, and DZZ, as well as TZA from the watchlist. I have just been holding these. Are the things I'm hearing on the blog about the speech tonight etc. going to change anything on our outlook on these? Are we still thinking more downside for Gold/Silver, or has something changed? So crazy this market. I get home and check things out....wow, choppy or what?


    Posted by traderdave on 26th of Jan 2011 at 11:06 am

    SLV is up 4% this morning and ZSL (the 2x short) is also up slightly. Go figure.

    SLV is not up 4%

    Posted by steve on 26th of Jan 2011 at 11:20 am

    SLV is not up 4% - it's down 11 cents.

    My Bad. Thats what I get from looking at CNBC ticker...

    Posted by traderdave on 26th of Jan 2011 at 11:30 am

    GC & SI

    Posted by scyee on 26th of Jan 2011 at 11:25 am

    Gold, Silver seasonal positive move around March to April    http://www.equityclock.com/charts/gold-futures-gc-seasonal-chart/

    I checked IB, stockcharts, and

    Posted by cw12 on 26th of Jan 2011 at 11:20 am

    I checked IB, stockcharts, and Yahoo. All show SLV down 10 cents.

    Jim: The question you pose are

    Posted by steve on 25th of Jan 2011 at 07:32 pm


    The question you pose are specific to how one trades (swing, hybrid, short term). For instance, some here have bought and sold those ETF's already while others are looking to swing trade them. However, you need to make sure you (personally) manage those purchases in accordance with you objectives and risk tolerance. The comments on the watchlist are meant to provide general guidance but each person must adapt to his/her own strategy. In other words, you should develop a game plan and act accordingly. What's right for one individual may not be proper for someone else. It may sound corny but this is all very important in the context of proper money management.  With that said, I posted a daily RUT chart below showing that the index has now worked down to oversold and 'may' be in a position to bounce. Matt discussed gold and silver last night but again make sure you have an exit strategy in place should they reverse course. 

       Thanks Steve, as I

    Posted by Jim on 26th of Jan 2011 at 07:56 am

       Thanks Steve, as I said I'm holding these (swing trading them). Have no problem holding through a pullback in these, just wondered if BB or the prez were planning on doing something that would affect the general market in these ETF'S. Aslo, do not own HDY, just noticed todays wild pullback. As I recall, some were hot on this one long term. Maybe a buying opp?

       Nice report  last night  :-) I get the Idea,



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