RE: Illinois (agree with Matt)

    Illinois dummies

    Posted by oops1e on 14th of Jan 2011 at 03:57 pm

    I'm from IL as well and not happy.  You can read the WSJ article here:

    They raised individual income tax from 3% to 5%
    Business taxes from 4.8% to 7%
    No spending cuts
    New casinos

    I live near Chicago in Cook County, so I get the worst of all worlds highest sales tax, highest gas tax, ridiculous property taxes, heck with IL and the clowns that get re-elected.  The taxes will drive what is left of the productive people out, leaving only those collecting or part of the public employee unions.  Ug, I am so disgusted.

    I've been considering leaving the state for sometime and am actively looking into new job opportunities.  I like CO, TX, TN, AL and IN (to stay close to home). 

    Good luck in your search Matt, or anyone else stuck in possibly the worst state in the Union!!


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