Illinois dummies

    Posted by Palladin on 14th of Jan 2011 at 03:18 pm

    don't get me started on that. The GDX system screwed me twice but of course decides to work when I bail out of my shorts! Yell

    not complaining, I know that's how mech systems work but it could have cooperated the first time I tried it! Cry


    That's how system trades are.

    Posted by matt on 14th of Jan 2011 at 03:33 pm

    That's how system trades are.  One big trap that people fall into is that they lose on a couple system trades in a row, then turn it off, then as fate works the next system trade is a big winner but they miss it because they didn't do the trade, then they turn it back on and it's a losing trade, then they turn it off and of course miss the next winning trade again etc etc - emotional roller coaster  

    Also when you see a couple whipsaws in a system, as long as the system is still fine, that is actually useful information because it tells you that it's due for a trend trade.  The GDX system had two whipsaws, so it was due for a trending trade

    emotional? who are you calling

    Posted by Palladin on 14th of Jan 2011 at 03:49 pm

    emotional? who are you calling emotional!... Yell Cry Laughing Surprised Frown

    good points. no worries as I got out at my sweet spot but should have given the system the benfit of the doubt



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