for about an hour after having posted my remark about LOW's price today, only to come back for a follow-up look.  The whole string of comments in response to Matt's posting about Illinois, are a surprise; but, it takes me back to my crying - yesterday - about my not having sold UPL when I should have.  OK, I got out of it this morning, but my real story is my remarks about having had to travel.  I pulled up stakes from Washington State and departed for central Missouri the day before Christmas and arrived here via I-5, I-10 and I-35 on January 7th.  My favorite remark of late is:  Well, you know what Michelle said don't you? ( lengthy pause ) Who? comes the question.  "You know, the President's wife," say I.  Oh, of course, someone will say.  I continue, "She said, Barach will never let you go back to your comfort zone."  Well - I continue - I don't have any comfort zone left.  It is done gone! 

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    In advance: Sorry for my rant.  Keep on trucking!  MBP



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