Bernanke's 60 minutes appearance

    Posted by kalinm on 6th of Dec 2010 at 03:15 am

    His lips were quivering, his voice was uneasy and he seemed quite uncomfortable with the interview.  Again, he claimed it was very difficult to see the crisis emerging -- are you kidding me?  I'm an economics hack with no formal training and I could see the disaster looming for years!  

    the dangereous part

    Posted by rreich on 6th of Dec 2010 at 08:58 am

    The dangerous part of last nights broadcast was the assertion that the Great-D was caused by the Feds tight monitary policy rather than the fact that a huge credit bubble had been constructed durring the roaring 20s.   In fact, the credit bubble of roaring 20s pails in comparison to the current credit bubble.     In other words,,  last nights presentation ignored the real root of the current US economic woes.

    the dangerous part, ???

    Posted by hazbin1 on 6th of Dec 2010 at 09:02 am

    rreich, the part you didn't note is that Bernanke has long been considered one of the (maybe the) top expert on the Great -D. thus, he is probably the only one who could conceivably recreate it down to it's smallest detail.

    Seriously, how can anyone still

    Posted by macksurf on 6th of Dec 2010 at 04:31 am

    Seriously, how can anyone still listen to him after being wrong about everything! I like those time-line mash-up videos on Youtube that show exactly how wrong he was leading up to the crisis. Just one of those videos should be evidence enough to give him the boot! I am a freakin Bartender and I saw this coming. I sold my property in mid '07 at the peak and everybody thought I was crazy! Now they hound me for advice all the time.


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