I know several people that

    things could get nasty soon..

    Posted by ditch on 18th of Nov 2010 at 05:17 pm

    I know several people that are on unemployment who tell me that they could get low paying jobs but make more by drawing the unemployment benifits.   Maybe this is what's meant by "jobs americans don't want to do" ?  Every road project I drive by seems to be staffed with a 75% hispanic work force. Same can be said of every resturant kitchen I've seen in the last few years.  So, If I'm right, and they don't extend the benifits, look for the jobless rate to delcine in the next quarter. Who will take credit for that if it happens?

    Unemployment # doesnt count....

    Posted by perthx on 18th of Nov 2010 at 05:41 pm

    unemployment # doesn't count all the folks who fall off the rolls. My question is did they add the folks who fell off back on when they went to 99 wks???

    Or as the fellow I met recently said, if you are in the 84% that have a full time job, this economy isn't really too bad for you, especially if you have company paid health insurance and some savings or other investment cash.

    There is deflation in big flat screen TV prices for example. Real estate is a great buy now. The flip side is that despite what the govt CPI says, food and energy prices are up substantially over the past several years
    (not to mention the cable and internet bill etc etc etc).


    long term unemployment

    Posted by hazbin1 on 18th of Nov 2010 at 05:32 pm

    if u  had a decent paying job and got downsized, you have 99 weeks of unemployment. + you get subsidized cobra for ~18 months. why work for minimum wage. wait for the 99 weeks to run out....

    That's exactly what's happened. For

    Posted by ditch on 18th of Nov 2010 at 05:48 pm

    That's exactly what's happened. For some the 99 weeks is running out now and others it will later but when it does, they will find work, and the unemployment rate will drop,imho.  

    I was unemployed for a few months in the 70's, I think there were only 26 weeks you could draw back then, it sure wasn't 99 Weeks! First month, great $$$ money keep coming in and didn't have to go in to work. Second month, nice, I could get to like this, third month, this is too good to be true, fourth month,,,,,,,,,what will I do when this runs out? Fifth month, heck this is about over and then what! So I found a job painting houses......



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