SPX 5 min Sto

    Posted by perthx on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:26 pm

    Anyone else notice that the 60 period sto on the 5 min has been above 80 since yesterday afternoon....a drop of some sort is coming, if only a few hours worth.

    On the other hand if a major top is forming here right now, the longs are gonna get busted hard as everyone tries to exit at one time. Stay vigilant and don't get complacent!

    yup, looking for a trigger

    Posted by hazbin1 on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:30 pm

    yup, looking for a trigger to go short, but so far the market does no wrong (trend up), just wondering if INTC is a 'tell'?

    Yes the 60 period stochastics

    Posted by matt on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:30 pm

    Yes the 60 period stochastics has been above 20% all day long however it may stay above 80% the rest of the day as it generally does on trend days we'll see, but then tomorrow morning would be due for a at least a quick pullback below 80%

    Maybe McHughs catastrophic downturn or

    Posted by Palladin on 13th of Oct 2010 at 02:35 pm

    Maybe McHughs catastrophic downturn or Prechters USD rally for the record books?

    Or buy the dips?


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