Live Newsletter Charts

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    Posted by jroger on 7th of Oct 2010 at 12:05 pm


    A real hot topic for me is taking full advantage of the work that Matt & Steve put into the Newsletter charts. I recommend the following as an example. Can BPT, at leaset, create a set of standard base charts for the newsletters. These would be the major indexes with the usual time frames that are most often included in the Newsletters.

    Matt and Steve would maintain and use this the charts from base set as they prepare the Newsletters and a set of permanent links to the set could be maintained on the web site.

    I feel this would do two things, make the analysis charts live and available all day and replace the rather modest usefulness of the current dynamic chart list.

    Would everyone please chime in on this subject. I am very frustrated when Matt or Steve say in the letter "watch this resistence level" or "if the market does this, then this count is invalid" or some such and I don't have an effective way to monitor their wonderfully marked up charts throughout the day to see how it is unfolding. I take notes but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.


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